Tendenze and Sustainability converge
The 31st Edition of Milano Unica underscores the fundamental bond between creativity and environmental commitment
The September 2020 edition of Milano Unica presents the exhibitors' proposals inspired by the A/W 2021-2022 Tendenze and the proposals related to the Sustainability project in a single exhibition area that, similarly to the past edition, promotes the most advanced solutions in terms of creativity and also in terms of the commitment to increasing the environmental awareness of the fashion/apparel supply chain.
This process has a long history and its evolution represents a natural step in perfect synchrony with the orientation of the fashion industry.
In fact, Milano Unica was one of the first organizations to make a concrete commitment to a vision that rejects the paradigm according to which sustainability and aesthetics cannot co-exist, demonstrating instead that sustainability today is key to opening the way to new creative solutions.
Commitment to sustainability is no longer limited to the selection of raw materials, recycling and reuse of materials but is embedded into the production processes, inspiring research and technological innovations resulting in the creation of style proposals with a high aesthetic content.
The Tendenze e Sostenibilità Area of the 31st edition of Milano Unica represents an important confirmation of a concept that has evolved and attracted the participation of all the main players of the textile and fashion accessories supply chain.
The proposals presented in the Area, selected by the Style Commission of Milano Unica, will allow all participants to appreciate the quality and the most significant characteristics of each sample. Tags will be attached to each item with references to the technical sheets available both for consultation and download.
The exhibition includes a maxi video cube showcasing the prototypes of the A/W 2021-22 Tendenze project and the related fabrics and accessories of the participating companies, highlighting the season’s best in terms of creativity and sustainability, both for products and processes.
This season’s theme of Milano Unica's Tendenze emerges through a wave of chromatic, visual and olfactory suggestions. Monsters and Perfumes is a narrative pretext that puts fantastic creatures, emanating special scents and developed from the recycling of different materials, on the stage, featuring vaguely human appearances, but definitely out-of-scale dimensions. They are ironic, passionate, sensitive and, above all, sustainable.
KS#1320 and the technical comfort of the "Fragrance of Free Time"; CZ#5381 and the sophisticated and snobbish style of its "Fragrance of Power"; and FX#8568 and the more romantic and primordial aesthetic of the "Fragrance of the Soul".
The setting up of the Tendenze e Sostenibilità Area, as well as all the rest of the event, has been designed to ensure the visit and consultation in complete comfort and full compliance with the currently applicable safety standards for all participants. Visitors will have a chance to touch the fabrics after having sanitized their hands with the sanitizing gel.
The appointment with Milano Unica is on September 8 and 9, 2020 at Rho Fieramilano.