
Contributors: Paolo Landi

Paolo Landi is a Corporate Marketing and Communication Advisor. The title of his latest book, an analysis of social networks, is "Instagram al tramonto" published by La Nave di Teseo.

MU32: the interviews to sector’s opinion leaders talking about key topics for the industry

"Digital technology enables planning and control, reducing waste in all areas"

Paolo Landi

Paolo Landi

In this year of profound changes, how much has digital technology favored and supported the development of your work? And how much has it hindered it?

Technology has been very important during the lockdown period, when travelling, human relations and face-to-face meetings were prohibited. We have learnt a lot, and the pandemic has presented a great opportunity to reduce the digital divide. As a communication advisor, I have obviously always used social media and technological platforms, but we have been experiencing an acceleration of the sharing processes in this past year and, personally, I have benefited from it. Of course, we have missed the meetings, which are fundamental for marketers and public relations professionals, a weak point that cannot be erased by the Instagram feeds, Zoom meetings and virtual meetings.


How can the digital technology support creativity?

By making sharing faster and thus improving the final result of a layout, an advertising campaign, an event. Everything can be monitored, approved or rectified "live"; creativity now has a "support" that did not exist before.


In your opinion, in what area did technology really change the fashion supply chain? Which is the business area that could be most constrained by digitalisation?

In product creativity, research and development, manufacturing, logistics: technology has affected fashion by favoring advanced production and sales processes. I see a key constraint in the market, meaning that no fashion company today can do without e-commerce. However, the customer experience remains fundamental. I hope we can return soon to participating in fashion shows physically and not only on a screen, doing business by meeting in person and sealing deals with a handshake.


Can technology be a lever for generating new sustainable behavior?

Definitely. In the way raw materials are sourced, in the way products are manufactured, in keeping up with 'virtuous' corporate conduct, not only in the fields of energy and environmental protection, but also in human resources. Companies are increasingly employing people from different ethnic groups, thereby promoting wealth redistribution and personal respect. Fashion is in the forefront on this.


Do you think that digitilization can become an ally of sustainability and facilitate its processes?

Undoubtedly, digital technology enables planning and control, reducing waste in all areas.


Technology alone cannot trigger change nor widespread growth. Craftsmanship as a source of tradition, research as a source of innovation, as well as skills and training to be passed down, are the real assets to be preserved. Is it correct to say that these values are key in determining sustainable behavior and therefore inseparable from real relationships?

The key is in an increasing interaction between online and offline. If we are flexible, we will be able to benefit from irreplaceable craft practices, while digital technology broadens our knowledge.


The key is in an increasing interaction between online and offline. If we are flexible, we will be able to benefit from irreplaceable craft practices, while digital technology broadens our knowledge. However, it is clear that face-to-face relations are of the essence; the more global the market becomes, the more it needs geolocalization and adaptation to different realities.


How did you manage digital trade shows and events?

The digital trade shows encouraged by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development have been key in maintaining contacts with exhibitors, buyers and the international press. Of course, they cannot replace the physical event, which we are all missing.  



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