
The Experts - Trapuntatura Bel Punto SRL

Interviews to sector experts on key topics regarding the entire supply chain

"Research must be encouraged and only by moving firmly in this direction will we be able to build a better world."
Paolo Ceccato, Sales

Why is it important to invest in sustainability?

The world is changing and we all need to do something in order to prevent the situation from getting even worse.


Our company believes in sustainability and is applying it wherever possible.


What we are currently experiencing makes us understand how badly we have treated our planet, promoting only progress at the expense of our health and the environment.


We should all reflect on this and start taking action. Paying attention does not mean going back, but, in fact, moving forward.


This lesson should be extended to everyone, from consumers to producers.

Research must be encouraged and only by moving firmly in this direction will we be able to build a better world.

How is your company committed to reducing the environmental impact of your production?

We are increasingly introducing recycled fabrics and wadding with the use of the w/r Fluoro Free treatment.


We use membranes derived from castor oil and we support our customers' sustainability projects, striving to further improvement.


For several years, we have been increasing synergies with our suppliers to raise awareness on the need to share sustainability as a common goal. We completed the first step with the certification of dyework water control to avoid any form of pollution.


Research in the development of recycled bases is probably our most challenging project, as this does not only involve basic fabrics or normal padding, but an ongoing monitoring of the new bases.


This also involves numerous prototypes and laboratory tests in order to validate the choices and feasibility of the applications.


Last but not least, the company continues to invest, because every success is accompanied by numerous attempts that involve costs and waste.

What are your sustainability projects for the upcoming future?

We aim at obtaining the GRS certification and increasing our commitment towards eco-sustainable products.


For this reason, we have set up a laboratory to carry out tests and trials on products that we select in collaboration with our suppliers who, today, we are proud to define as our partners.


We want to achieve the goal of sustainability together with our suppliers.


This is why we don't have many suppliers, because it is of the essence to rely on those who can really support us proactively, joining forces to work for the benefit of the production pipeline in the right direction.


Collaboration across companies increases our strength.

How is your company responding to the uncertainties of this period? What changes are being implemented?

During lockdown, our company reconverted and produced fabrics to be supplied to companies manufacturing masks and protective gowns for the medical sector.


Our shareholders and our team joined forces in the desire to help Italy in this very difficult and almost surreal period.