
Milano Unica: S/S 2020 Tendenze

Music Menu

“Milano Unica MUSIC MENU” is Milano Unica’s jungle for next Spring-Summer 2020 season. Naturally, there are two areas of interest: music and food that, while honourably maintaining ties with tradition, are, in this case, projected into a not-too-distant, but highly imaginative, future.


“Milano Unica MUSIC MENU” therefore is broken down into three main themes: “2080 Couscous Rap”, “2070 Funky Tabbouleh” and “2050 Bon Bon Jazz” that together make up the refined music menu capable of evoking highly creative tactile, olfactory, auditory and taste sensations. And not only, space and time are altered, meaning that they combine and mingle freely, blending musical cultures with culinary traditions of different countries, poles apart, yet close to a probable future.

«Music is our starting point and it is around musical genres that the vision for trends for the next Spring-Summer 2020 is implanted. The idea is to imagine situations of conviviality, moments of diversion and happiness, at a party, or during leisure time, in the open air, in metropolises of the future, where rhythm and flavours merge to create new kinds of entertainment and new aesthetic trends. What we want to point out is that ancient cultures, such as those tied to food flavours, can interact with musical innovations of younger generations. The high and the low, tradition and experimentation can join at the same level, to recreate a new language of creativity», explained artistic director Stefano Fadda.


If music is the starting point, food is one of the main contemporary aesthetic experiences: we eat with our eyes satiating our senses even before having actually engaged them.

«We have asked ourselves how the need for change and revolution would be felt in the streets of a city in the year 2080? Who would be the protagonists? Would clubs in 2070 offer exotic dishes? What icons would there be? What would we wear? Just as with society life in the salons of 2050, what would it take to delight the palate and what music would liven up the atmosphere?» pointed out Stefano Fadda once more.

From these considerations, the trends for Milano Unica MUSIC MENU were conceived, which take chances on transversally blending food, music, past and future, to recreate a sole stratified existing exemplar of history, icons, and worlds providing precise aesthetic directions in terms of colours, fabrics, accessories, details, styles and fashion.

2080 - COUS COUS RAP connects the fast rhythm and metrics of rap music with the richness of one of the typical dishes of the world from North Africa. We are in the realm of Street Style, of excess: over coloured, over sized, over shaped, over fat, over fitted, over decorated etc. Cultural mixtures and spicy stimuli become the code of this aesthetic, hyper-decorated and sub-urban theme. 


2070 – FUNKY TABBOULEH is a clear reference to the world of disco dominated by exceptional voices such as those of Donna Summer, Diana Ross, Barry White and Amanda Lear, transported however into hypothetical Middle Eastern boudoirs, laden with tabbouleh, hummus and baba ghanoush, delicacies from the savoury and festive Lebanese cuisine.

In this case, the style is opulent, the colours are a mix of vivid tones and persistent bass sounds. Here there is plenty of Lurex, lame, distressed network, vinyl fabrics and acetate silks.


Finally, 2050 – BON BON JAZZ originates from the idea of a timeless jazz club where men and women in elegant attire entertain themselves in exclusive surroundings, sophisticated and sexy ambiance, where every detail is very delicate, creamy, glossy and perfect like a bon bon. On stage, Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Dean Martin and Perry Como croon their buttery solos and sensual melodies.

This is the realm of glamour, the apotheosis of elusive, sophisticated and cosmopolitan snobbery.


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